"He spread his cloak revealing an armful of Castilian roses"
Every year, the history of the image attracts thousands of pilgrims to Mexico City, as well as to the churches of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It is surprising how Mexicans celebrate this holiday. The road to the church is prepared in a special way. Red, white, and green flags mark the pilgrims' way. Cars with the image or figures of the Mother of God pass through the streets, honking loudly. Pilgrims, wearing T-shirts with her image, go on their knees up the stairs to the church, heading to the altar. They believe that in this way they can ask the Mother to fulfill requests such as healing someone sick from the family, finding the woman of their life, etc. Tired from the road, while waiting for the Solemn Mass, Mexicans often sleep on the streets in sleeping bags.
Anna Chajda
In December 1531, a farmer named Juan Diego, who was passing over the Hill in Tepeyac, was said to have seen a beautiful woman with slightly Mexican features, who introduced herself to him as the Virgin Mary. She ordered him to speak with the local bishop Zumárraga about building a temple for her. But the bishop didn't believe Juan. On December 12, the farmer was supposed to look for a priest for his dying uncle. Because he was in a hurry, he tried to avoid meeting the beautiful stranger and he went a different way. She found him anyway and told the ashamed Indian not to be afraid, for his uncle is now well. She also made roses grow on the icy hill. Juan had to collect them and give them to the bishop. When he came to him and spread his cloak revealing an armful of Castilian roses, they were supposed to disappear, revealing an amazing image of the Mother of God.
The phenomenon, according to many researchers, is that it seems impossible to explain the origin of the paints or the material that was used to create the painting. Among the scientists, there are also critics who somehow prove or were trying to prove that the image was painted three times (over the years). That is supposed to explain its surprising durability.