10 Mexican women and girls are killed daily. These are the surprising statistics Amnesty International presented in the report last year. Unfortunately, this number has not changed so much, despite the appeals and actions of various countries. AI activists explain that thousands of Mexicans and Mexicans turn a blind eye to the tragedy of others instead of reporting the crime.
"Los feminicidios se detienen con una sociedad mejor" claims president Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador. That is: femicide ends with a better society. The president explains that the neoliberal system is responsible for the problem of feminicide and it is a model that has dominated over a long period of time. As Obrador is saying, it promotes the principles of values that overshadow the entire system of life inspired by Mexican culture in favor of a materialistic, individualistic and selfish system.
Posters protesting the feminicide of Ingrid Escamilla in the Antimonumenta of Mexico City, 2020
However, the president and government are not without blame. The slow action of the police, often corrupted by drug cartels, and their inadequate efforts to combat femicide leave a visible imprint on the poorly improving statistics on violence against women. According to data carried out by AI and other researchers, most witnesses and victims do not report crimes, because of the fear of retribution and the belief that the police may be corrupt.
Ciudad Juarez is known to be one of the most dangerous cities when it comes to murdering women. Hundreds of women have been killed here since 1993. In short, the crisis in America and the related layoffs in factories also contributed to this. Employers began to notice that women often become better material for an employee than men due to better manual skills and greater submission to their superiors. Consequently, and with the prevailing macho culture, some frustrated men began killing women for the sake of vengeful satisfaction. The prevalence of the murder of women in Mexico has become so noticeable that a special term has even been created for this phenomenon - feminicidio, or feminicide. Studies on women's bodies, their naked bodies left in a public place, show a desire to dominate.
Lesby Berlin Osorio was murdered in the gardens of the main campus of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Protesters are saying "Ni una menos!", which means "Not one more [woman] dead!".